Assemblyman Lentol
Assemblyman Lentol

Sure, Hawaii will literally pay New Yorkers to bliss out on the Islands, but why go so far afield when Greenpoint is getting hella chill? The will to relax comes straight from the top. Seventy-Five year-old Assemblyman Joe Lentol favors legalizing recreational marijuana in New York State through direct public referendum. 

Lentol sees legalization ultimately as a social justice issue. He told the Brooklyn Eagle,“What’s happening now is the criminal justice system discriminates against people, mostly minorities, who get caught in a web of smoking marijuana. Even though we decriminalized marijuana, local district attorneys can still go after users, but its disproportionately minorities.”

And the social benefits of bud inspired Vittles Cafe (94 Franklin Street) owner Samantha Hew to concoct cannabis coffee. Hew started serving the brew on 4/20, and it quickly sold out. The $6 pour is infused with cannabidiol, a legal compound extracted from hemp. Cannabidiol is known for sharpening concentration, and treating pain, seizures, and anxiety, but it won’t get you stoned or register during a drug test. The result is a friendly, focused crowd!


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  1. Before all you conservative twittering Trump loyalists get all hot & bothered (and have another drink) – look at former Republican Senate Majority Leader John Boehner who just joined the Board of a cannabis producing company.

    A public referendum is the way to go. Bravo to Democrat Assemblyman Joe Lentol for always being a compassionate, responsive and understanding politicians, who evolves with both the times and the community. No wonder he’s been in office for so many years.
    Many more Joe!

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