Canners Film

You’ve certainly heard their carts clanking down the sidewalks of NYC, and maybe you’ve also seen them sorting through your trash bins before recycling day. These are NYC’s “canners”—people who collect giant piles of cans and bottles and exchange them for money at a nickel a piece. The recent documentary film Canners examines the lives of these dedicated folks who are just trying to earn some cash, and according to the NY Times, “delivers a powerful ethical message about what it means to live in a city, and how each of us can choose to acknowledge or ignore our fellow citizens”. The film is screening this Saturday (1/27) evening at City Reliquary (370 Metropolitan Ave) at 7pm, with a Q&A session from director Manfred Kirchheimer. Also in attendance will be team members from Sure We Can, a nonprofit recycling center and community space featured in this film.

Get tickets now through Artfully. $7 General/$5 City Reliquary Members

This event is part of the public programming for NYC Trash! Past, Present, & Future, on view at The City Reliquary until April 29, 2018.

Via City Reliquary:

In New York City, as elsewhere in the United States, thousands of men and women collect discarded cans and bottles for their nickel deposit. From the time garbage bags appear on sidewalks, to the time the bottles and cans are cashed in at redemption centers and supermarkets the “canners” are at work—often for a good part of the day and night. Redemption centers are few and far between. Supermarkets are often uncooperative, so several must be visited. Canners often need to walk miles to unload their gleanings.

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