Greenpointers, I’m not going to get all woo woo on you. I promise. But, there’s a transformative, powerful space in the neighborhood and I want to share it with you.

Meet the Narayana Integrative Center (191 Nassau Ave), a holistic wellness space located near McGolrick Park. The center focuses on blending physical and spiritual practice for a healthy body and balanced mind.

Narayana also provides pathways for students from all walks of life to dive deep into Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, nutrition, herbs or non-Western medicine. So, what’s Ayurveda? It is a mind-body medicine system, originally developed in India. Which means that at a center like Narayan, all services and treatments are deeply connected to the wellness of the body and of the mind. With these offerings, the center provides classes and experiences for you to work on your best yoga flow, make your breathing sing, and make your brain feel clear, harmonious, and sharp. That seems pretty magical to me.

With various yoga classes for newbies and seasoned champs and ayurvedic workshops, there’s so much at this center that benefits all members of our community. I sat down with the awesome and dynamic co-founder, Katia Laine. We talked all things yoga and wellness and why she wants to help North Brooklyn residents strive to be their highest best.

GP: When did you start Narayana?

Katia: I started Narayana in May, 2015. Before Narayana, I had a small Ayurveda Center on the Upper West Side. I discovered that so many yogis don’t know about Ayurveda. I wanted to correct that and began to develop Narayana. I also wanted the space to be bigger so that we could offer more modalities and in a place that has a unique and individual approach.

GP: What does Narayana mean to you and how would you like this center to impact the community?

Katia: Narayana is special to me. Narayana means “a place to come to.” I want Narayana to be the home of practice to people. We are here to guide and support. We love our community and we want to continue our special teaching here. We are here to listen to each person instead of telling what to do.

GP: Is there anything else about Narayana that you would like our friends and neighbors to know?

Katia: My goal is to build a solid community of both practitioners and students. We also have a beautiful place upstate where we hold gatherings and retreats.

Follow Narayana Integrative Center on Facebook and Twitter.

Narayana Integrative Center | 191 Nassau Avenue

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