Via the Open Space Alliance:
The Department of Environmental Protection and GrowNYC held a successful rain barrel giveaway last weekend at the McCarren Demonstration Garden on Leonard Street. Two dozen barrels remain, and they can help you capture many $$’s worth of rainwater which can be used to water plants or for other household tasks. Installation is easy and you will be helping prevent harmful combined sewer overflow to our rivers by reducing runoff!
DEP’s Rain Barrel Giveaway Program is part of New York City’s Green Infrastructure Plan that aims to capture stormwater before it can ever enter the sewer system and thereby reduce combined sewer overflows into local waterways. DEP has committed to invest $2.4 billion in green infrastructure projects as well as other source controls, such as rain barrels, to significantly reduce combined sewer overflows by 2030. Read more about the program here.
Email Council Member Levin’s community liaison, Benjamin Solotaire, at [email protected] to claim your barrel.
I need a rain barrel to collect water for my garden can you please send me one #2130 Hendrickson street Brooklyn NY 11234
I would like to claim 2 rain barrels to collect water for my garden. Address is: 8647 Farwell PL SW, Seattle, WA 98126
Good Morning, please I can use a rain barrel for my garden. I reside at 76 glen street Brooklyn ny 11208.
Wasting too much water. Can use a rain barrel thank you
I really need two rain barrels to catch water for my garden and to flush my comode.
I need a rain barrel to collect water for my garden can you please send me two barrel
address 8110 166 street Jamaica NY 11432
I need a rain barrel to collect water for my garden can you please send me two barrel
address 2043 EAST 55th ST Brooklyn NY 11234