Meet The 94th Precinct 5/17

Have you been feeling frustrated with Greenpoint’s local Police Department? Earlier this year, Greenpointers protested in front of the 94th Precinct following offensive statements the Captain made regarding the department’s approach to rape cases. And a few weeks ago, a woman was reportedly raped inside a port-a-potty on Banker Street. The location of that incident is right next to some warehouses, but within spitting distance of local bars Northern Territory (12 Franklin St) and Greenpoint Beer and Ale (7 N 15th St), leaving residents concerned not just about the matter in question but also for their own safety. At first, no charges were filed due to “inconsistencies” in the woman’s story, but then following community outrage and a candlelight vigil, the DA stepped up to get involved.

Monday night (May 8) is your chance to connect with the 94th’s newly established Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs), Officer Rivera and Officer Molina. Their role will be to engage the community and address concerns—and also likely they will attempt to placate the many fired-up Greenpointers, any of whom are connected and fueled by local message boards. Perhaps what has been most frustrating to residents is the seemingly poor communication (or lack thereof) from the Precinct when troubling incidents are reported both in the news and via social media. In short, let’s hug it all out. Or at least try to.

WHAT: Meet the 94th Precinct
WHEN: Monday, May 8th @ 7pm
WHERE: Greenpoint Loft, 67 West Street, 5th Floor
Food and refreshments will be served.

From the 94th Precinct’s Office of Community Affairs:

Starting May 9th, 2017, the 94th Precinct will have two Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) permanently assigned to each of the three precinct sectors. These officers will engage the community in addressing issues in their specific sector. They will coordinate police, community, and other city resources to combat crime and solve problems.

In addition, patrol officers from the 94th Precinct will be assigned steady sectors for 24 hour coverage. By keeping the officers in their sector, they will build a better relationship with their community.

On May 8th, 2017 at 7 pm, you will have the opportunity to meet the 94th Precinct NCOs and you will have the opportunity to engage with them personally. You will be able to exchange information to have a direct line to your Neighborhood Coordination Officers. 

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