If you’re jonesing for some vintage vibes this year, then you need to check out Wildfell Hall Vintage. Since 2010, this Greenpoint-based online(and now by appointment) boutique has been serving up goodies with a flair from timeless eras in fashion and style.

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This shop is a great nook in the neighborhood and it’s right above Greenpoint Tattoo Co. (131 Meserole Ave.). Amy, the owner, curates a selection of clothes and accessories that transcends time.

Check out my Q&A with the fab owner Amy and an in-depth look at one of Wildfell’s newest and totally-essential accessories.

GP: How did you get inspired to open your vintage shop?

Amy: I started wearing vintage in the mid 80s when I was a teenager in New Zealand and since then always mixed it into my wardrobe. Back before I started the business in 2010 I was meeting a friend from Canada fairly often in different cities just to catch up and we found that rather than looking at sights we were checking out the vintage scene wherever we happened to be! So, we decided that it was becoming too hard to leave pieces behind that didn’t fit us and started collecting it to sell online. Also around that time my PR job in the city was becoming threatened by the worsening recession….and the rest is full time vintage history.

GP: Do you have any quick tips for vintage shoppers? For some people, it can be hard to imagine a new life for the piece or how to style it.

Amy: If you are not a seasoned vintage shopper my advice is don’t overthink a piece. If you are really drawn to it, even if it seems wacky, buy it. Those unusual pieces will be the ones you treasure for years (or regret not buying) and the ones people will compliment you on the most!

GP: Describe your perfect day in Brooklyn.

Amy: My perfect day in Brooklyn is an early morning coffee at Five Leaves, a visit to the farmers market for treats and then a few hours park hopping with my son and husband before finding a local kid-friendly bar for a glass of wine to end the day!

GP: What hopes and dreams do you have for the shop?

Amy: I hope to sustain the vintage business as long as the pieces are still around! “True vintage” is so finite and becoming so rare that going forward I hope to balance the shop with a few interesting new products that can be worn easily right alongside the vintage.

Now, one of the most important products in this oh-so-cool store is their Women’s Rights Tote Bag. The design of the cool tote is based on an original suffragette pin from the early 20th century. The roomy bag is large enough to be an every day bag and it’s poignant design sets it apart. 10% of the proceeds from sales will be donated to the Women’s March, Planned Parenthood, and the Women’s Refugee Commission. You can grab one at Greenpoint Tattoo Co. or online.

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If you’re thinking of more ways to be politically active, consider purchasing a tote – you’re donating to some worthy and important causes that benefit women in your local and stateside communities.

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In addition to this bag, Amy has a keen eye for vintage pieces. After checking out her totes, I suggest you take a gander at the stunning pieces such as the vintage 20s dress, the cute embroidered floral mules, or the silky (and dreamy) Chinese pajamas. The selection itself is like stepping into another world. Perhaps, you should visit sometime!

Wildfell Hall Vintage | 131 Meserole Avenue, by appointment.
Follow Wildfell Hall on Instagram.

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