Hey guys, welcome to Summer! If you’re anything like me you’re still vibing off this week’s cosmic combo of the full moon with the Summer Solstice. Ride that wave through Sunday if you can, with a few suggestions here…
But firstly, we have to tip our hat to the good folks at Secret Project Robot who recently announced that they’ll be leaving their space at Melrose Street at the end of the summer. “We’ve moved before, from Monster Island in Williamsburg to Bushwick, and we shall persevere, and move again… In many ways, We are ourselves to blame, we’ve helped to create a hipper safer neighborhood and higher rents, as so often do, have followed… ” They’re hosting a ton of events in the coming weeks, including a series of dance parties this weekend.
But wait! There’s more!

“PerÂformÂance artist Jake DibelÂer […] uses his unique brand of disÂarmÂing, semi-traÂgic huÂmor to sweep us along for the ride. Like a full-throated rendiÂtion of your faÂvorÂite pop song in a sleazy bar, DibelÂer’s perÂformÂances may have the venÂeer of naÂive opÂtimÂism but they twang with the disÂsonÂance of an emoÂtionÂal breakÂdown.” -Philadelphia Weekly

June 24–July 29, 2016
Opening Reception Friday, June 24 – 7–10pm
Greenpoint Terminal Gallery | 67 West St. #320 |Â Greenpoint
Greenpoint Terminal Gallery is pleased to present Dream Baby Dream, an exhibition of new works by Maren Karlson, Chason Matthams, and Ben Pederson.

Performance: Saturday, June 25th at 8pm
Studio 10 | 56 Bogart St. | Bushwick
Studio 10 is pleased to announce another Matt Freedman and Tim Spelios Endless Broken Time drumming, drawing and talking performance, the twelfth in their current monthly series.
Complementing the spoken word with the most basic story telling tools—sticks and drums to give impetus and pacing, and charcoal and paper to fill in the details—Spelios and Freedman will create an endless cycle of fractured narratives. The stories will be drawn and told by Freedman and will take their rhythm and form from the aberrant and improvised syncopation of Spelios’ broken time drumming.

June 26–July 31, 2016
Opening Reception: Sunday June 26, 6–8pm
SOLOWAYÂ | 348 South 4th St. | Williamsburg
A group show featuring works by Vanessa Disler, Jacob Dwyer, Emily Hill, Mike Pratt

IDIO Gallery launches its Summer Experimental Film Series with the films of Basma AlSharif, curated by Haya B. AlGhanim.
Sunday, June 26th – 7PM –Â $6 – cash bar + concession
IDIO Gallery | 976 Grand St. | Williamsburg
IDIO Gallery is pleased to present The Reconstruction of the Palestinian Image, a screening of Palestinian artist and filmmaker Basma Al Sharif. Al Sharif’s films explore the extents and limitations physical space through film. We invite you to collectively experience The Reconstruction of the Palestinian Image with us, and journey into familiar and unfamiliar landscapes, find new narratives of migration, and experience her unique visualization of belonging.