Calling all curators! c/o REVERSE Gallery
Calling all curators! c/o REVERSE Gallery


Have you had cool ideas percolating in your mind since before Richard Prince unleashed his Instagram “paintings” series at the Gagosian Gallery last fall? Did you end up kicking yourself since that was your idea, too (and he beat you to it)? And, thus did Prince’s updates to said series at the Frieze Art Fair this month really have you wishing for a place to explore your most experimental ideas?

Great, because here’s your chance: REVERSE Gallery has an open call going on right now for curators to submit proposals for an exhibition of contemporary art. Find out the details.

REVERSE Gallery c/o
REVERSE Gallery c/o

Who: REVERSE Gallery, a 1,000 square foot, multidisciplinary workspace and art gallery with an emphasis on new and experimental forms of expression.

What: Is searching for curators who can create an engaging exhibition that dances with innovation and exploration (proposals that draw from a wide range of artistic practices are encouraged).

When:  The deadline for the next application cycle is July 19th, 2015. Applicants will be contacted with a decision from the REVERSE committee within six weeks of the deadline.

Where: Simultaneously on 28 Frost Street in Williamsburg and on the fringes of your imagination.

Why: The gallery is a platform for emerging artists to produce and present their work, and also a site for sustained dialogue with the public.

How: Strong proposals will be clear, concise, and engaging while presenting innovative ideas that show a solid understanding of the spirit of REVERSE.  The curator must contact potential artists prior to their inclusion in the proposal to assure interest and availability.


– Curatorial statement of no more than 300 words, describing your approach to curating and the concept of the exhibition. Include the exhibition title, list of artists and how the show resonates with the mission of REVERSE. (Labeled: lastname_firstname_statement.pdf)

– Resume of the curator (Labeled: lastname_firstname_resume.pdf)

– Link to website or blog with samples of your recent work.

– Examples of artwork: Maximum of 10 images (no larger than 1mb each). If there are video pieces in your proposal, include a link to examples on vimeo or youtube.

– Application Fee: a non-refundable fee of $25 (send copy of the paypal receipt)

Send all materials in one zip file attachment to [email protected].

Applicants are encouraged to review past exhibitions and to download the reverse_space_floorplan.

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