Back in the day, there was an advice columnist who assumed the persona of a familiar figure: your most annoying relative. He provided “wisdom you did not ask for from someone you will not like.” This week, we offer the same. There are some perfectly fine popular bands playing in North Brooklyn this weekend. We urge you to show up to the club early and catch some of the bands playing before them.
We are going to make it easy for you, by highlighting some of our favorites below. This way you will know when to muscle to the front of the stage, and when to just keep an ear out while you mack on that hunky wallflower you spotted in the back of the crowd.

The Acheron BK (57 Waterbury St.) has a hardcore Friday night planned. Violent Reaction headlines, but be sure to also catch La Misma. Lead singer Nay Vieira-Rosario adeptly advances the NYC Hardcore tradition, using frantic, passionate screams and shouts to drive her lyrics, which happen to be in Portuguese. Arms Race and Stand Off also nicely complement the bill, with Arms Race‘s grooved, fun-loving angry sound providing a perfect counterpoint to La Misma.
Union Pool (484 Union Ave.) is one of the best places to catch a multiple-band lineup, with its cheery, expansive indoor/outdoor layout providing multiple opportunities for respite between sets. The Beech Creeps play there Saturday night. “Noise rock” is the phrase used most often to describe their sound, but that implies inaccessible psychedelic meanderings, not the catchy, fun straight rock melodies of this band. The fact that its songs come in 60s fuzzy guitar tones just makes them all the more enjoyable.
Finally, Muchmore’s (2 Havermeyer St.) hosts Dead Sexy Sheila on Saturday night. It is the perfect silly rock soundtrack for bopping around to the beat with your fellow crazed Greenpointers.  As the venue’s website page for the event advertises and instructs:
Cheap beer
Bring a helmet
No randos
And that, we submit, is the perfect formula for whiling away your evening in one of our fine local musical performance establishments.