
If any of you were strolling around Kent Avenue last Friday night you might have seen an interesting light show appearing on the wall of the CitiStorage building.

Friends of Bushwick Park are rallying the troops for this Thursday’s City Hall protest and Friday night they lit up their message for all of NYC to see. For those of you who haven’t heard by now, the future of our 28 acre park is in serious jeopardy of getting sold to developers for another residential tower if we don’t stand up and say something. Thursday’s March 12th rally is calling on Mayor DeBlasio to fulfill a 10 year old promise of a park this area desperately needs.

Pack your lunch, make that “doctor’s appointment”, or do what ever you need you to and get your fannies down to City Hall this Thursday at 1 pm. Bring your loud angry voices, your most obnoxious noise makers, your pets, or anything else that will make some noise. If we want our park, City Hall needs to feel the heat.

Do NOT bring: Posters attached to sticks (they will be confiscated), stones, or rotten tomatos for throwing. Yes, we Greenpointers are a rowdy bunch but let’s keep it civil people.

Want to spread the word or pass out some flyers as you commute to work? Friends of Buswick Inlet Park is having a pre-rally tonight at Dirck the Norseman at 7 pm. Folks are encouraged to stop by and get a flyer or two.

There is still a lot of time between now and Thursday, so help spread the word and let’s get ready to rumble Greenpoint!

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