While Julia is running around grabbing this and that to make her first market just perfect for you, she asked me to send out the “Friday before the market reminder.” So I’m going to do this post my way (even though I am not sure this is what Julia had in mind.)
This gives me a chance to say hello. Greenpoint, HELLO! I really miss you and wish I could be there on Sunday to give everyone big hugs and stuff way too many dogs into a photo booth shot. (Poor, Brownie (left) got it from D (middle). What a bitch, literally!)
I also wish I could go shopping because the vendors are absolutely fantastic thanks to Yuka’s brilliant curating skills.
When I was organizing the markets, I was always busy screwing in lightbulbs, selling raffles, emptying garbage cans and making sure folks don’t drop beer off the balcony – that I never got to ever shop to my hearts content. And now that I am not the owner any more, I can pick favorites.
Here is my list of MUST SEE vendors for Sunday:

Think of Valentine’s Shopping like an airplane losing cabin pressure and fitting the air mask on your face. Shop for yourself first, then for others. I’m from Queens so any variation on the door knocker or hoop earring is a must for me. These Lockhart Wrks Conical Contrast Earrings make a big statement (like you don’t need any other accessories) and are a great deal at only $30. Wear them up or wear them down, you will get compliments on these gems.

My husband Jon is from Florida and thus my gator. And while I score him this adorable print from Lillian F, I could run my hands through her silky and gorgeous scarves and then not so subtly demand one as my V-Day gift. It works every time. You will never get what you want unless you simply state what you want. You can also point and make weird noses. That works, too.

These amazing Megware Ceramics Espresso Cups are a perfect example of regrettably not getting what I want when I see it right there in front of me. I noticed these adorable pieces during Greenpoint Open Studios and wanted them so bad, but really didn’t want to add anything else to our cross country move. But really, I could have slipped these into the glove compartment. They are just so perfect and the triangular handles are a nice surprise!

In Oregon, we are surrounded by sheep farms! All I want to do is hug a sheep, but since that could get me shot by a farmer, a fuzzy warm hat or scarf is the next best thing. This Charcoal Grey Everyday Pom Pom Hat from PurlBKnit is an ideal shade of gray, has a nice wide band and the pom pom tops it off.

At each past market I would do a walk and make my selects, then hope that if I got a chance to make another round, it wouldn’t be sold out. I’m kicking myself about this amazing Brooklyn Wolf Hoodie from M.N. Davis & Son because I would bee line for this gem. Do you know who OR-7 is? He is a gray wolf electronically tracked and the first to be confirmed in Oregon and California in over 50 years. Wolves are badass. I’m obsessed.

I’ve been doing a lot of mule and horseback riding and boy do I need a bath afterwards. Not only because I’m sore, but because I smell pretty nasty after I shovel wheel barrows of manure out of Slingshot’s the horse’s stall. These Magic Immersion Bathe In Flowers are just what I need after a long day of mule and horse hugging.

On the subject of the equine type, Lucky Horse Press has the cutest cards. Everyone needs a flamingo and neon in their life.

Nothing is more loving than being  a vegan, right? These treats from Heirloom Vegan Bakery look outstanding. All I want is to shove one of those cannolis in my mouth right now!
This is just a few of the amazing vendors you can meet on Sunday! And there are so many more awesome gifts and treats you can – all supporting local makers.
(God, if only time travel were possible I’d be there! Come on, God!)
You all know the deets, right? Sunday 2/8, 1-7pm at Greenpoint Loft (67 West St, 5th Fl). Do me a flavor: RSVP and invite your buddies and lovers on Facebook.
Tag me @jengphoto in your market buys with hashtag #gp_market so I can shop vicariously through you.