X-marks the spot for a grilled cheese landing ©Jafflechutes

Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  No, it’s grilled cheese!!  And you could be catching one for your lunch this week…

Earlier this year there was a miniature ruckus in the fast food world when it was announced that Jafflechutes, an innovative Melbourne-based grilled cheese concept, would be coming to NYC.

The idea behind Jafflechutes (Jaffle being the crazy Aussie term for grilled cheese) is to hurl pre-ordered grilled cheese sandwiches attached to mini-parachutes out of the sky and into the waiting arms of hungry punters. You can watch a cutesy video here of the operation in action.

A jaffle-drop will be happening in Greenpoint one day this week from the rooftop of The Diamond and, judging from past NYC events, the sandwiches will cost between $5-7. Worth it for a humble cheese toastie? Possibly. For the novelty factor? Definitely!!

Keep an eye on Jafflechute’s twitter feed to find out what day the event will be taking place. As soon as the exact date’s announced pre-orders will be accepted via the website and you will be notified of an exact time at which to anticipate your lunch.

****UPDATE**** It has now been announced that the Jaffle drop will be taking place this Thursday 4th September at 7.30pm.  ORDER ONLINE NOW!!*************

And if you’re chancing down Franklin street this week, be sure not to get struck down by a flying cheese sandwich. There has to be better ways to go.

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