Shrug-pop sweethearts Perfect Teeth curated this week’s chill playlist — but wait! There’s more: a song premiere (!!).

Have an ear gander after the jump.

Bassist Josh Fu waxes on the mix:

We’ve been sweatin’ it out this summer working on the Perfect Teeth album, and haven’t had much time to get in summer vacation mode.  So we put together a playlist of some of our favorite region-specific songs to do a little earbud tourism. It’s like a staycation for your brain – a “bray-cay.”

And here’s that song premiere we promised from Teeth’s upcoming full-length, Crazy, Nice, or Fancy:

Decide who is who when the quartet plays tonight at Hank’s Saloon with Ball of Flame Shoot Fire and Telenovela. Or catch them Monday, July 21 at Trash Bar with Royal Garde and Bodega Bay. Choose your own adventure…!

Are you a Brooklyn-based (that’s right — we’re open to folks from all over our lovely borough) musician or music facilitator? Then submit for a chance for us to feature your music and impeccable taste.

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