Early this week, we got word that a four-story warehouse on Norman and Henry St is being converted into a hotel by architect, Robert Scarano. The Department of Buildings approved the most recent plan on 5/8, which is a less than a year since the owner began evicting tenants.
The Henry Norman Hotel, as it will be called, will be run by the same people who own Box House Hotel (77 Box St). Anyone been?
As Curbed points out, “the hotel’s teaser site has a photo of some dude named Henry Wylie Norman, who has absolutely nothing to do with hotels, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, or even the United States.” Hmmm.
my landlord expanding…..
Ugh, please be aware that this is another project of slumlord Joe Torres. He’s the same guy who was arresred in 2010 for connecting his toilets to the storm drain and dumping all of the sewage of his buildings into the newton creek..http://therealdeal.com/blog/2010/01/13/greenpoint-owner-charged-with-dumping-sewage/
He was also my landlord when i first moved to Greenpoint, in a building he expanded the building an extra floor without providing any rain drainage. Our ceiling leaked huge amounts of water during the entire lease and he never repaired it, instead telling us to get out if we didn’t like it, and he’d just find someone to take the place for more money. This guy is bad news, don’t give him any of your money!