Photo Courtsey of NYCDEP/SEAN SCAGLIONE, Hearts by me

Today has been a bit brutal with some heavy news. So we figured we’d lighten the mood with this adorable baby seal that decided to sunbathe yesterday on the banks of the Newtown Creek Nature Walk.

Harpy the Harp Seal, as we will now call him, was spotted by a very responsible group of teens, who called the police to report his presence. Meanwhile Harpy finished sunbathing and jumped back into the filthy water for a refreshing swim to the East River.

One of the more articulate teens described the seal as looking like a “fat dog.”

Kimberluy Durham, rescue project director with Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation, told the Daily News that the Harpy was healthy and alert, saying that juvenile harp seals sometimes do go up creek.

We’re just relieved that he didn’t go the way of Sludgy, the Gowanus  whale. This seal is a survivor.


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