When I was a horny teenager I spent many a weekends making out on the big rocks of Central Park. One year for Valentine’s Day my high school boyfriend, whom of course I thought I would marry one day, gave me a street photography book of Central Park and in it wrote: “No matter what happens, we will always have Central Park.”
Peter Pan Donuts IS the Central Park of Greenpoint – a cultural institution – for you have ONLY experienced this neighborhood if you have ordered in person and enjoyed one of these delectable cream filled treats.
This striking love lost piece by Sadie Stein – in none other than The Paris Review – conjures unforgettable Greenpoint moments:

When I commuted to the shop, I invariably found myself on the train with an elderly woman who, every day, was met at the top of the stairs by her husband. And every day, he would dip her back and greet her with a passionate kiss.

It echos: “No matter what happens, we will always have Peter Pan Donuts,” or in the case of those subway stop lovers – The G train!

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  1. This is Demetri Siafakas, the son of Donna who owns and runs the Donutshop. I just want to say thank you very much for your comments. That was a cute story, too. Peter Pan will always be here no matter what. Nothing will change it.

  2. I just said “No matter what happens, we will always have the G train” to myself and then started laughing really loud. No non-weird way to explain that one to the other people in the room.

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