© Fabian Palencia / Instagram @febsmatic

If you follow us on Instagram, you will notice that today begins our 2014 Instagram Take-Over with a very talented Queens born, Gowanus based Street Photographer Fabian Palencia @febsmatic who says about Brooklyn, it’s “the home for cultural awareness.”

I will be doing a more in-depth interview with Fabian (tonight actually) – a preview of his photography exhibit opening next week.

In the meantime, I will leave you with a description of one of his own favorite photo experiences:

I photographed people riding the escalator in the Toys R Us in Times Square when I was last minute shopping for my son. I was really into the lighting. It’s a toy store, but a total acid experience.

A photo rule he lives by, “shoot first, ask questions later.”

Follow Street Photographer Fabian Palencia on Instagram @febsmatic, Twitter @mfabianpalencia and Facebook.

Want take-over our Instagram for a week in 2014? More info here.

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