The NYC Department of Parks & Rec is making it easy to recycle your x-mas tree into wood chips this year with MULCHFEST. Bring your tree to a local park on 1/11 or 1/12 from 10am-2pm, and take home your own bag of mulch to use in your backyard (or as a winter bed for your baby street tree). The donated mulch will be used to nourish plants across the city.

Trees can be dropped off at McGolrick, and McCarren, but if you want that mulch gift bag, head to McCarren, where your tree will be converted to wood chips right in front of your eyes. MAGIC.

If you can’t make it (or just cannot lug your huge-ass tree all the way to a park), put it on the curb for pickup anytime between now and 1/15. Just make sure to take off all the decorations first. Tinsel and lights are pretty, but not super compostable.

More than 26,000 trees were recycled last year. That’s like a small forest, right?

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  1. It’s too bad they don’t do this earlier in the month! By the 15th, I think the vast majority of people have already pitched their trees in the trash.

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