Williamsburg developer and super-bully, Victor Einhorn, the new landlord of the city-run Swinging Sixties Senior Center building (211 Ainslie St), has given 200 seniors and preschoolers until the end of January to vacate the premises, before the community center is torn down to make way for new condos. Way to pick on the underdog, Victor. Seriously.

Two Boots is moving in and Foodswings  is priced out of North Brooklyn (bye, Vegan wings). 285 Kent is also rumored to be closing down (bye, DIY music).

Williamsburg is now a place that you can dine on gourmet SPAM, reviewed by the NY Times.

In further gentrification news, you rich bastards can now purchase the most expensive condo in Brooklyn, (in  so-called gritty South Williamsburg) where you can relax in your giant tub, read in your private library, and roll around naked on your “exquisite” marble floors.  If you need an apartment-sitter, you know who to call.

In more heart-warming news, Greenpoint raised $3,000 last week for the Big Brooklyn Holiday Toy Drive, which went to purchase toys from local business owners. Go charity!

And last but not least, Greenpoint is officially better than it’s sister hood, Gowanus, according to a vote hosted by Curbed. Both places are home to megadevelopment and toxic water, but we have kielbasa. We also beat Governor’s Island, not surprisingly, because it’s not a neighborhood (i.e. it’s an island that no one lives on).  Now, we’re challenging NoMad for the championship. Go Greenpoint!


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