Williamsburg Therapy Group has been a loyal sponsor of Greenpointers since the beginning and I only met Psychologist and owner of the practice Daniel Selling last week. Unsurprisingly we hit it off and I have a great interview to share with you.

But before that is done I want to share some really great advice he gave to readers who are suffering from those Holiday Blues.

(Spoiler Alert: Daniel and the other psychologists at his practice will be participating in our ever interesting and super helpful Greenpointers Advice Column in the new year.) Need advice? Ask here.

Daniel Selling said that the two main downers for folks over the holidays are those of us who are yearning for a relationship and those of us who fear the relatives because the holiday visits really drum up old icky stuff we’d all rather not have to deal with.

His advice: “Have the courage to do what YOU want to do. Don’t try to please others.”

If your family gets upset because you would rather just stay in Greenpoint and celebrate with friends instead – that is their problem. You do you.

Keep your head up, Greenpoint.

Feel free to share your own Holiday Blues thoughts or advice for fellow readers in the comments section.

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