I’m not one to push TV onto anyone. I have a secret: I’ve never watched one episode of Breaking Bad (I know!) but I’m not ashamed of it.

That being said, if you’ve never watched Twin Peaks, shame on YOU for depriving yourself of the mind melting music, bizarrely addictive plot and one of the best characters ever invented: Agent Dale Cooper.

If you have watched Twin Peaks, then you know how anti-social you can become, sitting on the couch watching episode after episode, with greasy hair and crumbs all over your shirt. You don’t have to be alone!

The Exley’s (1 Jackson St) Twin Peak’s Tuesdays begins tonight and there will be donuts! (obviously) but there will also be boozey coffee, performances by The Pink Room: David Lynch Burlesque, trivia, plus new cocktails each week.

“Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange.” – Agent Dale Cooper

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