the 20 miler mark
20 mile mark

To wake up at 6:30 am on a Saturday, you must be nuts, you say?  Maybe I am.  But I woke up hella early because I was going on the Epic Bike Ride! Just a quick rundown:  it’s 40 miles, from Williamsburg to the Rockaways, taking the coastal route of Brooklyn.

Epic Bike Ride was organized by the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative.  These are the fine folks who have been working with the DOT on the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, which is a 14-mile landscaped route, physically separated from traffic with separate paths for pedestrians and cyclists.  When complete, the greenway will connect neighborhood parks and open spaces from Greenpoint to Bay Ridge. IMAGINE!  Oh, the places we’ll go!

I was one of the lucky, albeit sleepy, hundreds of riders who were able to ride along the coastline of Brooklyn.  Some parts still need work and I really applaud the people who have been working hard to make Brooklyn better, not just for cyclists, but for everyone.  If you’re interested in the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway and how to help out, there’s more information here.

For now, I’d like to share how the ride was for me.   I finished the ride in 2 hours!  YAY! We started riding around 9 am and docked in the Rockaways around 11 am, stopping at one rest stop.  I didn’t take photos until after the 20-mile mark (just coz I was speeding through Dumbo, Red Hook and Gowanus LOL).

Here is the view from my bike!


Not really bike-able after Sandy. 🙁
very idyllic scene by Jamaica Bay
I will need to try out this floating Thai restaurant
Finally. The Rockaways!
The modern spiffed up boardwalk!
oh, glorious surf!
and of course, we can't resist the photobooth! 😀

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