Black Rabbit BEFORE ©

You may have noticed that the facade of Black Rabbit (91 Greenpoint Ave) was repainted from black to a muddy maroon in order to comply with NYC Landmark Commission. What do you think of the new look?

Black Rabbit AFTER © Black Rabbit

Recently Improv Everywhere transformed Black Rabbit in Greenpoint into an 1860s bar for the ultimate time travel prank! They “worked with accomplices to invite unsuspecting friends …The bar was completely lit by candles and kerosene lanterns and was filled with actors in period dress. Beer cost pennies, and music was provided by a live band. By the end of the night, our surprised guests found themselves in the middle of an old-fashioned bar fight.

Only in New York? Only in Greenpoint, Brooklyn!

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  1. The new paint job looks atrocious. I fail to see how painting it shit brown makes it look better or more historic than the iconic black and red. It’s so ugly now, so sad.

  2. ahhhh I wondered why Black Rabbit changed its color. I like the black much better to be honest.

  3. Jen, I didn’t know you were born in greenpoint. Also I thought you lived in queens. (Your post that you lived your entire life in greenpoint)

    1. what does this have to do with black rabbit? i never said i was born in greenpoint. my grandmother was born on noble st. and her dad was the pastor of the presbyterian church! i grew up in queens!

  4. Echoing John. SHIT BROWN! Baby diarrhea doodoo mud. While the black & red motif did not meld into the rest of the neighboring facades, it was far more handsome than this open diaper.

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