I was running in Mccarren Park when all of a sudden a soccer ball flew out of nowhere slamming me in the head. I was knocked nearly unconscious…

I thought it might have been the concussion but the next thing I knew a dude resembling the godlike form of Cristiano Ronaldo was shaking me, “Oh my god! Are you okay?!” As I stood up trying to ignore the reenacted visual on repeat in my mind of how hilarious slash mortifying that fall must have been I sort of stumbled off saying, “totally fine.. totally fine”.

I had almost made it past Five Leaves when I heard someone running up behind me, It was Cristiano’s look alike — “Hey, wow I am so sorry about that! I told my friend to get your attention but I definitely didn’t think he would do it like that, Can I please buy you dinner to make it up to you?” I wanted to blurt out YES! PLEASE! YOU CAN BUY ME DINNER FOR THE REST OF ETERNITY… but instead I casually said, “I guess that’s the least you can do”. We went to Paulie Gee’s and then walked along the Greenpoint Pier, he was perfect…

— SIKE — ok so maybe that didn’t happen. But as a single gal, let me tell you the piece of advice that not only do I hate the most but also what everyone seems so inclined to say, “when you stop looking you will find it”. Ummmm… stop looking?! Until my lady parts turn into a plastic mound made by Matel I’m not just going to “stop looking”. No, I’m gonna turn this god damn Burrough upside down if its the last thing I do…

So, seeing as it’s Valentines Day next week (and this cold weather makes me more cynical than usual) I thought instead of pick up lines, we would share some inspirational, real life local success stories to show us how it’s done. Thank you to everyone who submitted their “how we met” stories! One finalist was chosen to receive a gift certificate to Le Gamin so they can keep that romance alive.

Couple: Andre & Vanessa
Location: Berry St. Rooftop
Their story: Andre was the doorman of Vanessa’s sister’s building on Berry St. July 4, 2008 Vanessa went to her sister’s rooftop party to watch the fireworks. Andre came up to the party due to numerous noise complaints, after much liquid courage Vanessa pulled Andre aside and kissed him. Luckily the feeling was mutual and just three weeks later they were basically living together. They’re first daughter was born 3 years later on July 4th and (ironically?) they are now expecting their second child this year on July 4th…Good work!

Couple: Jackie & Tony
Location: B61 Bus/Iona Bar
Their story: Jackie and Tony initially met on the social network Friendster (what happened to Friendster?). Tony had given Jackie a virtual “wink” and exchanged a few casual messages. One day they were both riding the same bus, Jackie was on the phone but their cyber flirtation lingered. Tony finally sent another message and they had their first date at Iona… they are now married living in Greenpoint.

Couple: Melissa & Ian
Location: One Well
Their story: Melissa moved to Greenpoint from Baltimore in September. After many nights hanging out at One Well, she became good friends with owner, Kerry Jones. Kerry invited Melissa to her New Year’s Eve party, where Melissa met Ian, her to be NYE kiss. The next morning Ian made her the best breakfast over a Kinks record, they have been making breakfast ever since.

And finally our winner — because a gentlemen still exist…

Couple: Mary Ann & Paulie Gee
Location: Jasmines Disco, Bay Ridge
Their story: It was a Friday night in November of 1976, Mary Ann was at Jasmines disco with friends. Paul approached her and said he had seen her on the subway. Mary Ann thought this was just another pick up line but Paul was cute so she continued the conversation. Turns out he wasn’t lying, they both actually took the RR every day to the World Trade Center stop and worked across the street from one another in lower Manhattan. That night being the gentleman Paul is, he took the car service with her all the way to her house even though he lived on the other side of town. 36 years later they’re still together.

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