Triple Canopy has for the past five years worked to present compelling work online in ways that make innovative use of the Web.

For the fourth annual call for proposals Triple Canopy wishes to intensify the work in a variety of offline forms of print publication and public programming. They are interested in forging connections between books, manuscripts, lectures, performances, exhibitions, among other forms, and our online publishing practice.

They are inviting artists and writers to submit proposals for projects that may not find their primary realization on the Web, but which may ultimately be published in some form in Triple Canopy’s online magazine:

  • Print broadsheet or pamphlet
  • Print poster
  • Book or e-book
  • Public lecture or seminar
  • Performance
  • Reading
  • Screening
  • Exhibition or installation

Commission recipients receive:

  • Three to six months of artistic, editorial, and technical support
  • $300 honorarium
  • Opportunity for inclusion in the annual print publication, Invalid Format: An Anthology of Triple Canopy
  • Opportunity to use Triple Canopy’s space at 155 Freeman for a performance or other public event
  • Coordination and production of any print publication or live event
  • Archiving of materials and long-term maintenance of any online version of the project by technical staff

More info and application guidelines 

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