We all love our friend’s holiday potluck but, if you are looking for a REAL holiday party this season, it is The Skint’s Winterland Romp, December 15th at Littlefield(622 Degraw St. Gowanus)!

Skint Winterland Romp

Call it Christmas in a New Orleans cathouse, circa 1932. Because you’ve been very, very good this year, we’re stuffing your stockings to bursting at the Winterland Romp at Littlefield on December 15th at 8pm! Dance to sweaty old jazz from cult favorites The Hot Sardines. Coo at the sugarplums of burlesque performers The Ivory Fox and Miss Coney Island 2011, Lefty Lucy. Get lulled into a state of sublime bliss from the angelic holiday serenades of Maya Solovey. Be on the lookout for a surprise visit from the elusive Chanukah Elf! Work on your last truly epic hangover of 2012 with our $5 “Rosy Cheeks” holiday punch drink special. Pop by the FREE Winterland photo booth (courtesy of Bibi Booth) to capture your twinkling eyes, merry dimples, rosy cheeks and cherry nose that would make Saint Nick proud.

Limited-edition event posters will be available for sale, a portion of which will benefit Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

Tickets $10


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