Good morning Greenpoint! I hope everyone is safe and dry. Many of our neighbors experienced serious flooding and have lost power and Internet.

The first confirmed injury from tree occurred on Freeman St in Greenpoint yesterday.

I am working from my iPad with no Internet. Please follow on our Facebook and/or twitter for more timely updates.

This morning the Mayor is urging New Yorkers to stay inside because of downed trees and power lines that may have juice running through them. Not to mention the wind is still pretty forceful out there. Just be smart and be careful.

Your tap water is safe to drink.

If you go out avoid walking through big puddles and coming into contact with water that has overflowed from the East River or Newtown Creek. If you do, wash your hands thoroughly and bleach anything else.

Do not go into parks and avoid walking under big trees. Stay away from wires.

Email #sandy photos and recounts of your experiences to Greenpointers at gmail dot com.

Glad we got through the worst of this together. We have our mayor and amazing emergency workers to thank for a sleepless night and tireless efforts to keep NYC safe.

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  1. Good morning! Glad to be dry, still hearing winds though. I live on West St. bet Java and Kent, and I saw some boarded up windows fall from the high winds, so please be careful about walking around. BTW can you tell me where you got the information about the tap water being ok to drink? It seems fine, but there is this weird smell…Thanks for keeping us posted!!

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