black throated blue warbler
Black Throated Blue Warbler

In a span of a few days we saw some pretty cool birds in McGolrick Park. After we went on an epic birding expedition to Owl’s Head Park in Bayridge, Brooklyn, we took a stroll through McGolrick to pick up veggies at the Farmers Market. Of course, I left the big lens at home.

Yellow Bellied Sapsucker

We call that lens the anti-bird lens because when we don’t bring it we end up seeing awesome birds, like the time in Pennsylvania when we saw the Pileated Woodpecker, which is a giant woodpecker. But I’d rather see the bird than take its picture.

yellow rumped warbler
Yellow Rumped Warbler

On Sunday 10/14/12, we saw a Black Throated Blue Warbler pissing off a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. It seemed as if the sapsucker was trying to stick food into little holes he made in the tree and the little sneaky warbler was just going right up and stealing the food. What a little jerk!

brown creeper
Brown Creeper

Yesterday, 10/17/12, on my morning coffee walk through the park (I have a serious addiction to Variety cappuccinos) I saw a little brown creeper and a yellow rumped warbler.

Keep your eyes open and let us know what interesting birds you spot around Greenpoint this Fall.

We keep track of all our birding at Brooklyn Early Birds.

All photos in this post were found at All About Birds, Cornell School of Ornithology’s Blog.

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