Recently Greenpointers has been the target of hate comments and threatening emails – all because a post about Glow in The Dark Kickball in McCarren Park was picked up by – a blog with an anonymous author whose hateful and violent posts incite anger in his readers which manifests in deplorable commentary on that blog and on It’s only a joke until somebody gets hurt.

Unless you back up your hate speech and commentary with a real name – you are COWARDS. If you are so ashamed of your own words that you cannot even reveal your identity, then you should take a good look at what your saying. In the mean time, what you say means NOTHING. Stop the mindless comments – I will not post them.

And no offense ladies. The picture said it.

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  1. Too bad DieHipster will never see this post, as he lives in 1991 in a fictional model of Brooklyn he created out of discarded mayonnaise jars and bicycle parts.

  2. Hey Jen (in the voice of Ryan Gosling)! Honestly, girl, you should let this one drop by now. I love you, love the blog, but wasting your energy on something the internet said is like blaming that girl on the playground in grade school that said your nose was big for all your problems. You’re rad! We love Greenpoint! End of story! Now on to more pressing issues like, where can I get a nice hot toddy now that it is apparently winter?

    1. You so right Nicole. I’m over it and don’t want to waste time on this! Love you too!!!

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