The party is over folks; my landlord has taken away one of my simplest pleasures, watching and listening to the birds who grace my feeder daily and keep my hyperactive cat “Bean” out of trouble.

Remember this music video I made to the house finches? There won’t be any more of those.

Today two Gray CatBirds (Dumetella carolinensis) visited. They are really beautiful, all matte grey, with a reddish underside, a long tail and little black hat on their head. Their call sounds like a cat and they were going nuts over the suet.

Then I heard repeated banging on my door. It was my landlord. “No birdfeeder!”

I should have acted like a catbird; according to Wiki, they “are not afraid of predators and respond to them aggressively by flashing their wings and tails and by making their signature mew sounds. They are also known to even attack and peck predators that come too near their nests.”

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  1. Funny he didn’t say anything when you first put it up, but I wouldn’t want bird poop on my property either.

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