We all want it: A smokin’ bod. Greenpoint residents, you’re in luck.

Vixen Fitness NYC, a new business offering personal training and fitness classes within walking distance of the best ‘hood in Brooklyn. Owned and managed by Greenpoint resident Molly Winter Stewart, you now have a few ways to sweat your butt off towards better health, wellness and a bangin’ body without trekking far.

For women interested a group class, check out Molly’s Wednesday night class, The Video Vixen Workout, at Triskelion Arts on N. 11th Street in Williamsburg. If you loathe the banality of the treadmill or bodybuilders bench-pressing small cars give you anxiety… here’s a fun and effective workout that involves neither. Seriously. This is a class designed to give you a cardio workout using movement and high-energy music, that utilizes your own body weight and resistance techniques to strengthen and define your muscles while improving your flexibility and coordination. It’s about looking lean and feeling strong. If you can jump up and down and know your right from your left, you’re ready to go. And if you’ve ever rocked out to Def Leppard in front of a mirror, well, you’re already part Vixen.

Check out the Yelp reviews here.

Vixen Fitness NYC
Triskelion Arts on N. 11th Street in Williamsburg
[email protected]

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