I’m looking for some new blood this summer! There are lots of events and happenings going on this summer and I just cannot do it all – as much as I may want to. 🙂

Male or female, no “official” writing or blogging experience is necessary but you should be internet saavy and a fast learner. If you’ve already got your own blog and are looking to contribute somewhere else to get some more writing under your belt, that’s great, too.

Obviously we write about Greenpoint here. I dabble in Williamsburg as well, but mostly sticking to the Northside. Occasionally we all go outside the neighborhood, but for the most part it’s Greenpoint only, so you kind of have to live here.

I’d love someone from the McGolrick Park side of the ‘point. I grew up on that side but I never find myself over there anymore and I’d really like to be able to rep my hood better in that neck of the woods.

A photo blogger. I adore photography, always have. I love taking pictures myself, but again, I just never find myself doing it. If you’re the type who takes your camera everywhere you go and you’re a Flickr freak, I’d love to have you show off your Greenpoint shots here.

A reviewer type. Whether you like to go to local music gigs, dine in local restaurants or just enjoy rating everything you do, that’s always welcome. I don’t always get a chance to check out every new place that opens but if you’re a social butterfly who’s always looking for the newest, coolest thing – I’d love to have you.

Arts & Culture. I get a TON of emails and leads on art shows and to be truthful, I am not interested in it at all. But I know there are many readers who are and I’d like to be able to have someone who understands the art scene and wants to write about it!

I’m very open to ideas, too. If you have a recurring theme or ‘thing’ you’d like to do, try me! As long as it’s Greenpoint related, I’m pretty much open to anything.

My only pre-requisites are you *have* to have a sense of humor and you must know how to spell and punctuate. I’d like potential writers to commit to at least one post a week, more often would be even better. Other than that, it’s an open call to do whatever.

So what do YOU get out of this gig? No, you don’t get paid, but there are the rare occasional benefits. I get invited to things and I always share. Press invites come in for stuff, too.

Email me at [email protected] if you’re interested. I ask that everyone who is interested to write an introductory post so I could see your writing style. So if you want to toss your hat in the ring email me a post or if you have any questions feel free to do so as well.

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