Week Three: “Tub Rub” : Abrasive cleaning paste for bathtubs, sinks & hippy dream spas

To make this you will need:
– A bowl for mixing
– About ¼ cup baking soda (OR Borax for tough grime)
– About l tablespoon liquid soap. We like Dr. Bronner’s (see below)
– Hot Water (Add water tell you’re mixture is like a grainy smoothie)

1. Mix together all the ingredients in a cup or bowl to make frothy paste
2. Scrub surface using a sponge.
3. Let the paste sit for a wile if your working with stubborn stains.
4. Rinse the surface.
5. For a shiny finish buff the surface dry with a cloth

A few notes about this mixture:

Borax vs. Baking Soda:

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral that is a powerful cleaner. It fights hard water and mineral stains, disinfects and brightens. When added to warm water borax cleans and bleaches by converting water molecules to hydrogen peroxide. This stuff is old school and it is what we like to call a “green-ish” product. So don’t use borax around food, keep it out of reach of children and pets, and make sure you rinse off of surfaces before use. It works great but should be used with caution and moderation. For more information about borax you can check out Green living tips.

For more regular grit and grime baking soda will do the trick and it is 100% green.

Soaps we like:
1. Dr. Bronner’s lavender liquid soap. Lavender has antibacterial properties
2. Dr. Bronner’s also makes a tea tree liquid soap if you don’t like lavender. Tree oil is a natural antiseptic.
3. Mrs. Meyers makes a geranium liquid dish soap that is good. Mrs. Meyers also use essential oils of a good quality and Geranium has been extensively studied for its antimicrobial properties.
4. You can also go with a fragrance free soap. Dr. Bronner’s makes one called Sal Suds.

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