There are some big flavors coming from this little catering kitchen on Norman Avenue. The Halcyon Gourmet only recently opened its doors, but the foot traffic and inquiries were so abundant, executive chef Maria Rizzo decided to put the building’s retail zoning to good use and started selling menu items from her catering business to the curious (and hungry) Greenpointers. The result: Even more foot traffic!

Rizzo and her business partner, Archie Gianunzio, couldn’t be more surprised. And busy. Catching up with them on Saturday as they put finishing touches on cupcakes for Whoopi Goldberg’s birthday party, Rizzo and Gianunzio agreed though Halcyon is still in its ‘grass roots’ stage, business has been building since their opening this summer. Now on top of taking on new clients, they are keeping their refrigerators stocked with tasty snacks like the much-raved about Filet Mignon sandwich with caramelized onions and Fontina, to satiate the appetites of Greenpointers who aren’t feeling like whipping something up on their own. Outside of retail, work for Rizzo and Gianunzio isn’t limited to just birthday parties either. Halcyon’s gigs include baby showers, work lunches and onward – in October they fed eight hundred mouths at the Roseland Ballroom.

But while they are serving the masses, they are keeping it personal. Often times catering conjures up images of bored teenagers serving pigs in blankets for additional income – but this is the type of service Rizzo and Gianunzio are trying to avoid. On top of orchestrating entire events down to their subtle ambiance, most of the people helping them out are friends and family – others who care about the success of their business – no sour faces and soggy eggrolls here.

With the Holidays coming up, Rizzo and Gianunzio are planning accordingly and next week customers will be able to pick from their Everything But The Turkey menu. Hosts and hostesses who want to focus their energies on cooking the bird can swing by Halcyon where they will be supplying the sides and pick up favorites like stuffing and mashed potatoes. For those who are worried about getting their pastry crusts just right – defer to one of Halcyon’s desserts, like the pumpkin banana mousse tart.

Located next door to the bright green coffee shop, Cup, Halcyon is hard to miss. Next time you’re stocking up at the Polemost on Manhattan and feeling a little peckish, take a gander down Norman for a snack.

The Halcyon Gourmet
77 Norman Ave between Manhattan and Lorimer
(718) 349 – 2882

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