I visited Transmitter Park, located on Greenpoint Ave and the water, the day after its opening July 4th. It’s a wide open field with a fence closing off the water with tables generously spread throughout the area and woodchips strewn across the ground. There was a sign calling for volunteer gardeners where I proceeded to fantasize about turning the park into a beautiful urban forest or vegetable garden with a mural along the side of the brick building, sculptures dotted beside tables with a full schedule of summer events from movie screenings to music performances to massive picnics. But apparently this would be impossible to propose, as the park will be fully renovated starting in the Spring with a cafe, piers, a bird watching and child friendly area, tables, and an esplanade. The rezoning is old news by now, where people complained high rises were built with quickness while not a single park was yet to be opened. The conversion of WNYC’s transmitter center into a park is ingenious and starved for in Greenpoint and although the $10 million renovation is expected to start next year I’m very happy they’ve decided to open it to the public early.
Views of the skyline is to gawk for and the space is very picnic friendly. Too bad I won’t be able to lay down and tan myself without being accosted by splinters and shady dudes. At least my beauteous pup can roam and run and attack big dogs which is great news for you other-side-of-greenpoint dwellers. (I’ve got McGolrick on my corner). I suggest you spend some time in this park before it becomes overcrowded with activity and starts resembling McCarren which is where the state park on Kent Ave is headed. It’s a quiet cozy but spacious park with enough romanticism to churn any little brother’s stomach.
Can you spot the typo?

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  1. constrcution!

    I love when things like this have spelling errors. Does no one proofread their shit anymore??

  2. I've been going there almost every day, it's so nice to have a little oasis like that so close to home. I know it will start getting overrun though.

  3. (1) Should be a "the" before "NYC Economic…"

    (2) Should be a comma after "gardens"

    (3) Should be a comma after "2009"

    (4) "Construction" is spelled incorrectly

    (5) e-mail address has a white space in it, and is therefore not a valid address

    (6) Extra space between "scheduled" and "start" in "Scheduled Start Date:"

    At least they got the acute and grave accents in the right place in "Terese"!

  4. I've been going here everyday as well, it is truly a gift to have so close to home! The only problem is the people who feel that just because they are the only one at the park when they arrive, that they don't have to leash their dogs when another comes in. They then get upset and righteous when they are reminded that it's not a dog park. I have a dog. I love dogs, they should be able to have a run around. That is why dog parks exist. When your unleashed dog approaches my leashed dog…. it is a problem.
    Otherwise, it's a great place – and having spent my youth climbing the roofs onto the pier at Kent off West, a legal waterfront hangout is long over due! YAY TP! Typos and all.

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