To my dismay, I woke up yesterday and it was Sunday again. All the usual anxiety came flooding in and the desire to pamper became irresistible. Taking into consideration that it was that time in the month when the rent check has been cashed and the new paycheck has yet to be issued, whatever I was going to treat myself to was going to have to be cheap.

I wanted something indulgent and comforting. Cheeses of the world are usually my crutch but I turned to the oysters at Coco 68 last night instead. On Sundays, the oysters are only $1 – making a dozen(usually $20) a thrifty 12 bucks! They also had inexpensive wines by the glass ranging in price from $5 to $8. My cheap-ass opted for the $5 white that was very tasty and fitting for my budget.

While I felt like I was making out like Bernie Madoff with my oysters and my wine, I noticed no one else at the restaurant was taking advantage of the reduced menu item. A lot of people have no taste for the briny slime that is a raw oyster, so that could have been the reason for the abstinence I witnessed. But I worried that maybe the other diners just didn’t know about the deal as its not really noted on the menu, so I thought I would mention it here for all the Greenpoint oyster lovers out there that are on a budget like me and don’t want to break the bank on little oceanic aphrodisiacs.

Coco 68
68 Greenpoint Ave.
(718) 389-6868

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  1. I am always cautious about oysters. I like to only eat them if I know the place is selling a lot of them. I get the feeling they don’t sell that many at Coco’s. I could be wrong. I did notice they had a health food violation awhile back for something about not having the right tags. I do enjoy their other selections.

    Justine did you get to enjoy the post Wall Street Pillow fight party at the Greenpoint Warehouse. I came home to a ton of cops Sat night all around the hood. I thought they were surrounding the P Lounge. Noble to Java there were cops everywhere. I missed it but wanted to know how it was.

  2. I’ve had the oysters from Coco 66 a few times without consequence as have other people I know.

    Everyone is entitled to their different food apprehensions, but I have never had a problem at Coco 66.

  3. the dollar oysters are on every day 5-8pm. they buy fresh several times a week. no reason to worry. they still don’t have a white wine to go with the oysters. i would like to see a $5 muscadet.
    coco68 seems to get busy on tuesdays for the half-price-burger. i’m not sure if they still have 50% off for wines by the bottle on mondays… mondays is the day to stop by TBD down the street for half-price-everything. bottle of wine for $11? count me in 🙂

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