I got to the Red Star early on Sunday, partially for the Mac-Off, partially for the basketball and was surprised to find the place was DEAD. It was 2:45. I thought to myself that the Mac-Off was going to be a breeze and readied myself for multiple servings of free Mac and Cheese.

An hour later the place was teeming with hungry Greenpointers looking for their first helping of mac (please see picture left). The food was being served in these cute little tins, which look like war rations. I was at the bar and was totally pinned, so I sent a scout to stand in line and get us our free cup of mac, which was piping hot and oniony (new word!). But as nice as it was to get some free snacks, I couldn’t get it up to mac-off (gross, I know. But I’m 26 now and no longer care about impressions). Maybe it was because I was hungover from my birthday weekend or maybe it was because I was totally caught off guard by the masses, but I hung up my plastic fork after the Red Star and didn’t make it any further on the Mac-Off.

I am sorry I couldn’t continue on the cheesy journey, but I’m so proud and impressed by the Mac-off and all the people that participated! I had no idea it was going to be such a success. As I left the Red Star, there was a line of people going out the door and around the corner. From there, I headed toward the Garden to do some Sunday shopping and fought upstream as people poured from Manhattan Ave toward the bar.

Did anyone make it all the way? Who won?

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  1. I made it to all 4 places. The crowds at Red Star were huge. We hung there for a while downing a couple of beers. By the time we got up to Habitat it was pretty much the same. There was a long wait while the poor girl in the green hat scooped the mac/cheese into those small frosted plastic cups.

    We wandered over to Mark bar but there was no Mac/Cheese in sight.

    TBD was crowded and we had a couple of beers there. As we sat, the crowd grew. By the time we left, the line was near the door.

    Cudos to who ever organized this. It was easy, fun, organized, great places. Not complex, good Sunday afternoon thing to do.

    I’d never been in any of the 4 venues. I’d go back to 2 of them for drinks and food. We circled back to Mark Bar later in the afternoon but there was still no sign of food.

    I never saw ballots but I thought Red Star won, hands down.

    If this gets organized again, I can’t imagine any GP bar that serves mac and cheese not wanting to participate. It was a excellent marketing tool to get new folks into a bar. Well done.

  2. Its funny because I couldn’t figure out who organized it either which made me feel like a bad greenpointer.

    It seems like it was a total sucess – whoever organized it should take some credit!

  3. I also tried and failed but my failure didn't even snag me any mac & cheese. Me and GG went by The Habitat at 5pm and there was a line out the door and people trooping up the avenue towards it. We didn't make it to Red Star and from this post I see it was a mob scene.

    Definitely a success!

  4. Habitat won. I didn’t get any mac and cheese – only made it to Habitat and tbd and it was too crowded to bother fighting the crowds to get some samples. Friends and I went to Brooklyn Label after the judging was over where it was mellow and we had their mac and cheese which was fantastic. Announcer at tbd said they’d do it again next year and there would hopefully be more participants and more samples to go around.

  5. I made it to the last 2 spaces with pictures and comments from consumers, to be posted shortly!


  6. Actually, it’s not even worth a second post. I only made it to Mark Bar and TBD and I spoke to a few who’ve tasted Redstar and Habitat and they all unanimously votes Redstar, apparently it had bell peppers and bacon. But I guess that didn’t win the vote. I last two places weren’t anything too special, but they were still quite delicious! It was super crowded and next time I suggest they prepare more than 2 trays! I mean, C’mon!

  7. Ya know Joann, I don’t the bars realized how out of control this was gonna be. On Saturday when I was at Habitat for lunch, two people came in asking about it. I had a feeling it was gonna be packed out but it was even more crowded than I imagined.

    I’m really surprised that Mark Bar didn’t have any – did anyone wind up getting some from Mark Bar?

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