Thank you anonymous for putting a little fire under my ass, to finally get around to what I think will be my ultimate legacy: The Greenpoint Karaoke Quest. Though I’m not an obsessive Karaoke fanatic like some people I know (sorry Dad!), I do find myself frequently wondering where I can sing a little Ace of Base on boring evenings at home. Something that really got me thinking was considering my Wednesday nights once LOST wraps. This is a big chunk of time that I know in my heart would be best spent singing House of the Rising Sun to an empty bar. But what empty bar?

And so the quest begins. I am on a mission to find a place in Greenpoint for each night of the week where I can sing Karaoke. Some people say this is impossible, and it makes me sad knowing such naysayers exist. I am developing criteria that I will use to rate each location and will give back to the community by fully reviewing each Karaoke venue.

I am open to any tipsters that know where to start. The Quest begins next week. Its going to be long and hard, like cleaning a bathroom, but bravery will prevail.

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  1. I just saw a sign for karaoke here:
    Johnny’s Café
    632 Manhattan Avenue

    and the Diamond has karaoke.

    Please keep posting on this! My inner Barbra doesn’t come out nearly enough.

  2. If you’re willing to include Williamsburg in your search you can do

    Mondays- Hope Lounge
    Tuesdays- Sweet Ups
    Wednesdays- Matchless
    Thursdays- Alligator Lounge
    Fridays- Trash Bar

  3. thank you all for your help! im writing this all down and maybe one day we can have a karaoke contest or something!

    the trash bar is a great place for karaoke, but i feel like ive kind of OD’d on that place. and especially since bathing suit season is right around the corner, i need to limit my nights of bottomless tots (another trash bar perk).

    keep the advice coming!

  4. Thursdays at Lost and Found / Alligator Greenpoint / whatever it’s called now! Corner of Franklin and Greenpoint.

  5. Please tell me that photo really is your Dad singing karaoke! Whoever he is, that guy rules!

  6. Okay, if you need anyone to check these out and find a good one/the best every night of the week Karaoke Hotspot Calender…..I LOVE karaoke, used to host a show in billyburg, and am a karaoke master…pick me! ick me!

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