Any former pageant participant knows its takes about a month to get ready for the big show. So ladies and gents, start those cottage cheese diets today! Dust off those American Apparel onesies and start practicing your best apathetic look because the inaugural Mr and Miss Williamsburg pageant is right around the corner! On September 5th contestants will compete in front of a panel of judges at Supreme Trading for this much coveted title.

You have four weeks to get in shape for the spectacle. Grow out those bangs and get some new product in the mix. Brainstorm what bracelets and necklaces you’re going to wear. Start asking yourself those tough questions: hipster or homeless? Costume or outfit?

Applications are being accepted at [email protected].

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  1. Dude, seriously?

    Supreme Trading is within walking distance from Greenpoint. Occasionally I like to think some of us leave Greenpoint.

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