Alright, Alright – so you won’t be finding the Lazy Catfish on the Sub neighborhoods of Greenpoint map and I know this is hardly breaking news, but I can’t go another day without professing my love for this place. The tattered facade screamed wharf rats so I steered clear for the longest time – until one night when passing, I could no longer resist the wafting frylock aroma and followed my nose into the bar (my inner fat kid still dictates 90 percent of the decisions I make). To my delight I found the perfect equation of bar features! A new flat screen loomed over the bar with a game on, a glowing jukebox was like a tractor beam in the corner, there was a back room that had games and more seating and the whole place appeared really clean. I feel like I just described an adult Chuck E. Cheese or something – dont let that dissuade you from continuing to read.

You are probably thinking, generic sports bar, I got it. But its not. Its really special and this is why: its generally pretty quiet and by quiet I mean, not teeming with hipsters and not blaring music so loud you can’t interact with the person next to you. The bartenders are really nice and helpful. They love helping – they’ve helped me give directions, with minimums on tabs, I mean, you name it, they will help you with it.

But the thing that keeps me coming back to this Shangri La is not the Buck Hunter or the free PBR on Tuesday nights: its the divine, succulent, I-could-eat-a-million-of-these catfish poppers. I’m day dreaming just typing those words. Catfish poppers. They come in a little brown bag and they are the perfect addition to any pitcher of beer.

If the prospect of catfish makes you a little squeamish (I mean, its a fish with facial hair) there are a million other fried options. But you have to at least give them a try, because once you pop you cant stop – or at least thats what happened to me.

Lazy Catfish
Southern Comfort Food
593 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211

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