I got this email from Matthew Silver, the ringleader of The Bedford Circle of Fools. As a native New Yorker I’m of the opinion that when I see this sort of nonsense on the street I ignore it. It also has hipster written all over it.

But after a little peek on the website and reading the Time Out article, I say what’s wrong with someone going around trying to make other people smile? Not a damn thing. Besides, making the local characters into a circus probably isn’t that much of a stretch now, is it?

I’m making Bedford Ave. in Williamsburg, Brooklyn into a circus by slowly weaving the local characters, the people I see there every Sunday, store owners, the street vendors, musicians, artists, rent owners, street roamers, performers in to a positive wacky interactive performance, show, movement. Every Sunday I’ve been posing there as the village idiot and slowly I’ve been noticing other characters, people interact with me in interesting ways.

I got a little press in Timeout NY:


For example every time I dance near the store Earwax, the workers now dump a pail of water on me. To see the cast go to http://www.bcfools.com Check under the link Circus Entourage on the right to see the cast of locals. I’ve also tried to get other performers involved , they are under Fools on the right.

I want to keep the show community based and always at a grass roots level, a positive influence in helping out the community by creating positive attention, my main goal is to reawaken a colorful wacky, funny, street life which seems to be dying. I want to make Bedford Ave. into a village of happy fools where people have the opportunity let out there inner child in public, which is what I’ve been doing.In NY, a city that has unconsciously suppressed itself to sleep, The Bedford Circus of Fools has been called upon by the cosmos to re-awaken the spontaneous creative spirit on public streets. Watch as the colorful locals become gradually weaved into a weekly performance of love, laugh, and wackiness on Bedford Ave., Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY! Wake up, oh glorious child! Check out http://www.bcfools.com The front page has some of the best pictures and video clips.

Matthew Silver
[email protected]

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