Those renderings for the new McCarren Pool are out!

Rogers Marvel Architects

“The $50 million project, expected to be finished by 2011, will feature a recreation center, restaurant and space for an ice rink in the winter, city officials said.” – The Daily News

“It’s worth noting that even though the pool would only cover about 70 percent of the old one, it would still be immense in size, given that the original was huge. About two-thirds of the pool would be a wading pool and one-third would be a deeper lap pool. In addition, the diving pool would be restored with a 12 1/2 foot diving platform added. Money has already been allocated for the jobs and the plan is to start work by the end of the year once all the approvals are in place.” – The Gowanus Lounge

Check out stories and more photos:

The Gowanus Lounge: McCarren Pool Plans Renderings & Full Reveal

The Daily News: McCarren Pool To Rise From The Deep

Curbed: The Redone McCarren Pool Fully Revealed

The Brooklyn Paper: The New Look At McCarren Park

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