How long have you been here? And, how has the neighborhood changed since then? We all have our stories about the undulating Greenpoint streetscape—people moving in, people moving out, condos and developments covering up the sky, and coffee shops springing up faster than organic dry cleaners. Is it good? Is it bad? Tony Wolf chimes into the discussion with his labor of love: the Greenpoint of View comic.

Glad I randomly landed on this page. I remember The Vitamen. I used to play shows in the Lower East Side in the early 2000’s. I played a show with them at a place called Luna Lounge I believe. They were a really great band. I think some of them lived in the East Village during that time. I tried unsuccessfully to recruit Matt to play bass in my band. Haha I wish they would do a reunion show again. I wonder where they are now. Probably the best NYC band that never got their due.