Thanks for promoting your event on! We appreciate your business and want your event to be a success.
Here is additional information we need from you to complete your request.
If you opted for:
Sponsored Placement – Weekly What’s Happening? Post – $50
• Email us the following:
1. Date you want event featured. (Must be a Wednesday.)
2. Event poster that will be featured alongside the event description (Max 500px Wide @ 72 dpi)
3. link to event RSVP, website or ticketing
Exclusive Sponsored Event Post – $100
• Email us the following:
1. date for your sponsored post to appear
2. event poster, additional photos (Max 500px Wide @ 72 dpi)
3. copy as you want it to appear in the post
4. include links to RSVP or ticketing information
Here is an example of a great sponsored post.
Sponsored Placement – What’s Happening? Email Blast – $150
• Email us the following:
1. date you want event featured in the email blast. (Must be a Wednesday.)
2. event poster to be featured in the email blast (Max 500px Wide @ 72 dpi)
3. link to event RSVP, website or ticketing
Email additional information to greenpointers (at)
Thanks again!