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Blog Buzz

It’s been a nice long holiday weekend here. The office was closed on Monday and Friday we had a long office pot luck lunch. I, of course, brought the Babka. […]

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Guilty Without the Pleasure

Times Ledger – Astoria pizza man acquitted But Mario Fortunato, 59, another reputed Genovese associate from Brooklyn, was convicted by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Joel Goldberg of second-degree murder Friday […]

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The Ickys

Shout out to the Icky in Brooklyn blog for mentioning us as one of the Windsor Terrace Eleven! I must also mention that their choices pretty much rock. I heart […]

Posted inCommunity, News

The Gazette

I haven’t been around for a few days and catching up on some Greenpoint news only to find this horrible piece of news from The Gowanus Lounge: Greenpoint Gazette Fire. […]

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Greenpoint Fire

Just came across this – there seems to have been a fire this morning on Manhattan Ave. Seems to be a limo/car service place but it might be apartments upstairs? […]

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Don’t Forget…

To have that drink tonight to commemorate Repeal Day! There are no outfits to buy, costumes to rent, rivers to dye green. Simply celebrate the day by stopping by your […]

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Reality Check

Time for an update on Greenpoint’s little reality show girls Camille and Holly! Miss Holly made it to the finals on I Want To Look Like a High School Cheerleader […]