A historic building in Greenpoint might be getting a new life—as a cannabis storefront.

According to a notice on the building, Altitude Cannabis Club plans to open in the historic Greenpoint Savings Bank (807 Manhattan Ave.), a Neo-Classical style structure that first opened in 1906. It has been a landmarked building since 1982. 

Altitude Cannabis Club currently runs an unlicensed storefront in Bushwick (their site claims the store is licensed, a search on the state’s Office of Cannabis Management database did not find them listed). There will be an opportunity for public comment at the next Brooklyn Community Board 1 meeting on October 8. The board’s Cannabis Review Committee will review their application. While their role is advisory, their recommendation carries weight for the state’s Cannabis Control Board, who has the final say on licensing. 

Some Greenpoint residents already have concerns about a cannabis storefront opening in a beloved building, specifically its proximity to nearby schools and the amount of weed shops already present. One neighbor shared with Greenpointers that Altitude’s current business model includes a lounge and event space, which they fear is not being disclosed in the application process for the Greenpoint space.

Most recently, the building served as a Capital One location but has sat vacant since 2020, spending the next few years as a consistent graffiti target. The building finally received a thorough clean-up earlier this summer (after much admonishment from neighbors and elected officials, who have accused the building’s current owner of letting it fall into disrepair).

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  1. Lol so they operate an unlicensed business in an era where these illegal weed shops are getting shut down yet they have the audacity to seek CB1 approval??! In a historic building no less??! The city has finally hit its nadir.

  2. Just nope. This was once a well respected bank the inside was ornate and glamorous at the same time. It has become a degenerate’s paradise as of late. My dad worked at this bank back in the day and he was proud of that. I know some will say you live in the past however in some instances I say bring the past back. Cipriani a NYC restaurant was once a glorious bank and now it is host to people for all reasons. Now why can’t Greenpoint find a tenant that would bring back that decadent era? Greenpoint is home to so many fine restaurants. Greenpoint does not need another weed shop. This is so disturbing. I know you cannot fight city hall as the saying goes but you dam skippy I am gonna try. Weed shop my right eye.

  3. “…the amount of weed shops already present.” and “Greenpoint does not need another weed shop.” There are no weed shops (legal or illegal) in Greenpoint now; all the shops were shuttered. Stop being so selfish with your archaic “Reefer Madness” view of cannabis, MYOB and let people have access to a legal substance. I’m sure you’d be up in arms if anyone tried to prevent your access to beer or booze.

  4. As the creator of The Lady in Greenpoint, a 3-mile walking audio story starting at the Pulaski Bridge that includes a climactic scene outside of this historic bank, I would like to extend my greetings to the new enterprise and perhaps discuss a collab…

  5. Is this a fucking joke? I’m guessing there are no business loans needing to be approved here. Would be a joke of a business plan, too. Curious if there’s a reason why these keep getting approved to open…what could it possibly be….

  6. Please don’t. This would be a beautiful spot for a restaurant or some gallery but not another smoke shop.

  7. Depressing. And besides, now that smoking is legal isn’t it a bit dull? Wasn’t the legalization supposed to introduce regulation such that agricultural rape of land would be reigned in… and one wonders if that is even happening.

  8. It’s not reefer madness. These businesses are targets for armed robbery. This has been the case in all states where cannabis has been legalized; because of the federal regulations, the businesses are store-houses for cash and easily moved product. The armed moped robberies in Greenpoint and Williamsburg will be nothing compared to the crime this place will attract. There are families in the adjoining building whose health and safety would be at immensely increased risk because of this business.

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