Go to Radio Bakery (135 India St.) on a weekend morning and you know you’re in for a long line. The local hotspot has an iron-clad grip on Brooklyn’s sweet tooth, so you might wait over 20 minutes for an Earl Grey morning bun, but now, waiting might be more enjoyable: neighbors are starting stoop sales doors down from the small business.

“We wanted to do it cause everyone’s always at the bakery and they always line up to our house,” said Reina Landfield, a teenager and Greenpoint native. “We were like, ‘Oh, we can sell some stuff.'”

The line for Radio Bakery extends far down India Street, past the dock of Citi Bikes and sometimes blocking the entrance to Landfield’s home. What could have been an obstacle became an opportunity.

“I have a lot of clothes,” Landfield said. “I thrift a lot, so I’ve accumulated so much over the years. I need to get rid of some stuff but I’m glad I can give it to people.”

Stoop sales popped up on India Street, catching Radio Bakery customers waiting in line.

On Saturday, Landfield, alongside family and friends, was selling 70s-style pants, an X-Men t-shirt, and other new and vintage garments. Next door, neighbors joined in: they were selling children’s toys, colorful glasses, and bar cart staples. Prices were reasonable; most items were in good shape and going for about $10. A Radio Bakery employee even took notice and purchased a rug.

Saturday proved to be a particularly fruitful day, and spring weather means spring cleaning. The sunshine and line of idle people offered neighbors a chance to gain some extra cash. (Venmo was also accepted.)

Landfield’s neighbors sold kitchen items and toys at their stoop sale.

The makeshift yard sale might not be an every-weekend occurrence; inventory, weather, and neighbor interest will all dictate. But if your wait to enter Radio Bakery is long enough, and the sale pops up, there’s plenty of time to thrift.

Selling does keep the industrious teenager occupied.

“I’ve never actually been to the bakery, I’m not gonna lie,” Landfield said. “Every time I walk by, it smells really good.”

Landfield’s neighbors sold kitchen items and toys at their stoop sale.

All photos by Billy McEntee

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  1. Bought a seven or eight dollar vanilla/orange croissant there. Good but nothing special. Next day I went to Peter Pan donuts for a $2 cream crumb donut, pure heaven.

    1. Exact same sentiment! Every thing I’ve tried has been average to decent. Nothing stands out. Overpriced and overrated. Pure hype. I do appreciate the variety but the fact they are mass producing everything now is disheartening. Good concept but executed poorly. If this was the same quality at Ralos Im underwhelmed…

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