Parenting can bring moments of joy and hilarity, but it can also be a real source of stress. The folks at the Wriggle and Note the Moments get this, which is why this space for kids is now offering something for adults, too.

A new 8-week event series, kicking off at The Play Lab (33 Nassau Ave.) this Friday at 9 a.m., will give parents a chance to unwind and take some much-needed time for themselves. Each week will feature a different activity, from meditation to mood-boarding to Pilates, but the goal remains the same — to unplug and center yourself.

And if the thought of finding a sitter makes you think twice, kids ages 0-6 are actually encouraged to come along (and have open play in their own area).

“We’ll provide prompts & materials for self guided meditation, journaling and reflection, while your kids enjoy free open play nearby,” said Charlotte Hallaways of The Wriggle. “The session is just one hour and you can use the time however you like: Pick up our prompts & journal? Grab a conversation card & share experiences with another parent? Sit quietly & try our meditation techniques, or join a micro session led by a local wellness expert, or even just put your phone away and play mindfully with your child!”

Beyond just the confines of a class, the series hopes to foster a sense of community for local parents with the creation of a supportive WhatsApp group and meditation techniques shared prior to class.

This week will start with a mood board vision session led by @notethemoments. Other local experts on deck for the weeks ahead include Stay Small Art Club, The Bar Method, and SPARSA. 

Each session costs $25, or $20 if you sign up for four a semester. 

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