The closure of Park Church Co-op devastated many Greenpoint locals, but a last-ditch effort might pull through and keep the beloved space alive, albeit in a different form.

As the church building operates as a non-profit, the Metropolitan New York Synod’s proposed sale was subject to the approval of the New York State Attorney General. After a recent hearing, the New York State Supreme Court paused the sale of the church. And now, CommonPlace, the group spearheading the campaign to save the church, is attempting to do just that.

The group is exploring a partnership with NYC REIC, described on their website as “a group of over 500 New Yorkers who are pooling their money and power to secure space for community, small business, and cultural use in NYC.” NYC REIC is an investment group run like a cooperative, aligned with the Park Church Co-op ethos.

A performance at Park Church. Photo: Mimi Hong

“From the outset, the idea to tear this building down, in whole or in part, to make way for luxury real-estate development, seemed just plain dumb,” said CommonPlace founder Jamie Hook in a press release. “Now, albeit at the 11th hour, and with scant room to maneuver, we will present our plan for how this church might be saved and repurposed for community use.”

You can join Park Church supporters at the Greenpoint Library (107 Norman Ave) this Thursday, October 5, from 6-7 p.m. to learn more about the project. The current hope is to keep the space functioning as a community hub. However, the group is soliciting feedback to determine what exactly that might look like (a FAQ on their website offers up Absalon in Copenhagen and Town Hall in Seattle as examples of what the space could be modeled after).

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