In this day and age of small businesses getting squeezed out left and right, a decade of operation in New York City is a huge feat worth celebrating. Saint Vitus, Greenpoint’s own metal and punk bar, is commemorating their tenth anniversary with a new book
According to a recent press release: “SAINT VITUS BAR: THE FIRST 10 YEARS, AN ORAL AND VISUAL HISTORY, written and pieced together by esteemed photographer, director and Saint Vitus colleague Nathaniel Shannon, is a massive 346-page deep dive, collaged archive, exploring the origins, early foundation, and legacy of the first decade of the four black walls of NYC’s 1120 Manhattan Avenue.”

However, the book needed community support in order to be put into production. That’s where a new Kickstarter campaign comes in (although, the last time we checked, the project has already exceeded its fundraising expectations). The book is written, designed, and edited, ready to go, but needed crowdsourced funds for its production costs.
Fans can expect photography, posters, contributions, and interviews from high-profile Saint Vitus supporters, such as Dave Mustaine of Megadeth, Laura Jane Grace of Against Me!, and acclaimed author Chuck Klosterman.
Saint Vitus anticipates that the book will be published on October 31, 2023, the perfect spooky day for the gothic venue.